
Store procedure with cursor in adventureworks2012 example
Store procedure with cursor in adventureworks2012 example

store procedure with cursor in adventureworks2012 example

Related Topics: Catalog Views Object Catalog Views sys.objects sys.system_objects Permissions: The visibility of the metadata in catalog views is limited to securables that a user either owns or on which the user has been granted some permission. Shows the UNION of all schema-scoped user-defined objects and system objects.

store procedure with cursor in adventureworks2012 example

System Catalog Views: dbo.sysdac_instances sys.all_columns sys.all_objects sys.all_sql_modules sys.all_views sys.change_tracking_databases sys.change_tracking_tables sys.column_store_dictionaries sys.column_store_row_groups sys.column_store_segments sys.column_type_usages sys.data_spaces sys.database_automatic_tuning_options sys.database_credentials sys.database_event_session_actions sys.database_event_session_events sys.database_event_session_fields sys.database_event_session_targets sys.database_event_sessions sys.database_mirroring_witnesses Related Topics: Catalog Views Object Catalog Views Querying the SQL Server System Catalog FAQ sys.parameters sys.system_parameters Shows the union of all parameters that belong to user-defined or system objects.

store procedure with cursor in adventureworks2012 example

Sys.all_parameters sys.all_objects SCHEMA_NAME CREATE VIEW OBJECT_ID SCHEMA_ID sys.types TYPE_NAME CONVERT CONCAT ISNULL SELECT CASE FROM NOT IN It only takes a minute to post a comment. Questions or comments about this script? Be a part of the conversation. For the latest version of this code or to post a question or comment about it, visit: INNER JOIN sys.types t on p.user_type_id = t.user_type_id INNER JOIN sys.all_parameters p on o.object_id=p.object_id ,CASE WHEN p.is_nullable = 0 THEN ' NOT NULL' ELSE ' NULL' END I have excluded the encryption information columns ,CASE WHEN p.default_value IS NOT NULL THEN ' DEFAULT ' + CONVERT(varchar(8000), p.default_value) ELSE '' END

store procedure with cursor in adventureworks2012 example

,CASE WHEN p.is_output = 1 THEN ' OUTPUT' ELSE '' END = CONCAT(ISNULL(TYPE_NAME(p.system_type_id), t.name),ĬASE WHEN ISNULL(TYPE_NAME(p.system_type_id), t.name) IN ('nchar','nvarchar','char','binary','varchar','varbinary','ntext','sql_variant','text') SELECT * FROM dbo.vwMSObjectParameters p ORDER BY p.object_id asc, p.parameter_id asc `nvarchar(200) NULL`), rather than the numeric type id, etc.). The data type information that is returned in this view is human readable (i.e. The following snippet generates a SQL Server View that displays information about the parameters that need to be passed in to System Objects. Tested on: SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition

Store procedure with cursor in adventureworks2012 example